T4 DIB Library Demo/Eval Version SETUP INSTRUCTIONS Minimum System Requirements: 386DX-25 or higher CPU. 387 strongly recommended. 8MB memory. 1.2 MB free disk space. Color monitor, at least SVGA recommended. Windows 3.1, DOS 3.3+, VB 3.0. A. Required .ZIP files: T4DIBLIB.ZIP B. Be sure you have PKUNZIP'd all .ZIP files into the same directory (e.g. C:\ZIPDIR). All unzipped files must be in the same place or Setup will not run properly. C. From the Program Manager, File-Run the program "Setup" in ZIPDIR. That is, click File, then Run, then enter "C:\ZIPDIR\SETUP" and click "OK". D. You will be first asked for a target directory ("C:\T4DIBLIB", for example). You should install into either an empty directory, or a non- existing one. If the directory does not exist, Setup will create it. E. After Setup installs all the files, it will ask you where you want the Program Manager Group placed. The file name for this group is T4DIBLIB.GRP. F. Finally, you will have the opportunity to view the Setup Log and/or Read Me. Once you're done with that, click "Exit Setup".